Scott Hoots's profile

QC Kinetix (Artesian)

Signs that you need to see a back specialist

Back pain is a common problem that can seriously impact your life. If you're suffering from back pain, you should visit your provider as soon as possible to make sure that it's not something more serious. The good news is that there are many simple methods for treating back pain and preventing future injuries. Here are some signs that you need to see an Oklahoma City back specialist

Pain or discomfort in the lower back

If your back pain is minor, it's possible that you could get better on your own. But if your pain is severe or becomes chronic, it's important to see a professional for evaluation. Minor back pain can be due to an injury or muscle strain, or it can be caused by other health conditions such as arthritis or kidney stones.

Difficulty performing activities of daily living

If you find it hard to get into and out of car seats, bend over and lift heavy objects, or push yourself up from sitting down for long periods, then your back may be causing these problems. If this is the case, then it is best that you visit a doctor immediately.

Swelling or tenderness in the lower back area

If you have been experiencing any swelling or tenderness in your lower back area for more than two weeks without any other explanation for why this occurred, then this could be a sign that there is an underlying injury going on with your back that needs immediate attention from a physician who specializes in spine issues such as rheumatology and bone disease.

Inability to walk without assistance or compensation issues

If you are unable to walk on your own, or if you have to lean on something else such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair in order to get around, then this could be a sign that you need to see a doctor immediately. As mentioned above, back issues can interfere with your ability to do your normal daily activities. If someone has to assist you with these activities, it's important that you see a medical provider because this could be an indication of a more serious problem and injury in your back area.

 Unremarkable backaches occur periodically

If you're constantly experiencing back pain from either aches or actual injuries that occur on a frequent basis, it's important that you see a doctor as soon as possible. In many cases, these injuries can be prevented with early intervention and treatment.

7. Your lower back is extremely sensitive to touch.

Your lower back is extremely sensitive to touch. If you have a hard time with the weight of your body, you should be extra careful before engaging in any physical activity, especially if you are a pregnant woman. Your lower back has a lot of pressure, and it needs to be able to support that weight without feeling pain or discomfort. If this is your situation, then you need to see a back medical provider as soon as possible because there are other problems that may exist in your spine area, and these will only get worse if left untreated for too long.

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(405) 289-9662

QC Kinetix (Artesian)

QC Kinetix (Artesian)


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